Saturday, August 30, 2008

Eat to live or live o eat??

My first day without chocolate.. not too bad. I feel skinnier already. Haha. Maybe not so much but maybe a little hungry. I am actually really excited to finally be doing this. I really am set on being one of the rare success stories. I looked at this picture I took a couple months ago when I was going to start a program with my husband and I can't believe how horrible I looked. I hope I have improved a little from there. That picture was taken at 2.5 months postpartum. Now that I am 6 months postpartum I will take another picture. I will post the pictures here soon.

I was telling my husband yesterday about needing to post a picture, but how I wanted to look as nice as I could because I hate when people have their before photos and look like crap and their after pictures are all done up. Of course you look better. I want you to see me as I am and see how sticking with a goal can really transform your life. Granted... I am only on day 2, but I will speak in confidence that I will achieve my goal.

Day 3 always seems the hardest for me. I always crash on day 3. But not tomorrow. You will see. I will stick to my no chocolate, my goal bowl, and my protein shake. I will exercise and continue on becoming better than the day before. My husband started working out again. Poor guy... trying to gain weight. I can't stand people like that. Okay, maybe I can since both my husband and best friend are like that. Really. It seems like all of my great friends have been junk food junkies and never put on a pound. Maybe it is because I want to be like them or I thought if I was around them their skinniness would wear off on me.

However, they do something that I don't do, that I think all healthy thin people are naturally good at. They eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full. I have no understanding of what full or hungry is. I eat food whenever it is around and it looks good. My husband rarely goes for seconds, turns down dessert all the time, and will get home from work and say he forgot to eat all day. How do you forget to eat? My mind can't even wrap itself around that concept. My husband always said the difference between him and myself was that I live to eat and he eats to live. My goal is to change that and I am going to.