Thursday, September 4, 2008

My stumbling block... the chocolate chip cookie

There it was, staring me in the face three days ago... An Otis Spunkmeir cookie. I let my daughter have one and there was an extra and it sat in my kitchen and I kept passing it and wanting it. I eventually threw it away so it wouldn't tease me any longer, but to be frank... even after it was in the garbage I couldn't get the chocolate chip cookie off my mind. Two days later I caved into my craving and bought a new chocolate chip cookie.

Alright, so I will be truthful... These last three days have been hard. I scraped through day five and six... just barely... and today I ate... and now I feel sick. This is what I decided and I know I have read it 100 times. You need to allow yourself some slack at times. So... instead of giving up and gourging myself in pity and shame. I am going to be a little more specific in my made-up program. Six days a week I will keep to my shake and fruit in the morning, three goal bowls, and tea for snacks. I also found some low-calorie protein drinks to add to my water to stave off hunger pains. One day a week I will maintain my daily schedule, except... one meal I may have whatever I want and as much as I want.

I need a day to look forward to. If I am going to do this for the rest of my life. That is my goal. I truly want to change my lifestyle, then I need to make it reasonable. This will help to plan ahead and know that there is something yummy and scrumptious in my near future. Knowing this will prevent me in caving in for a small cookie that catches my attention. I want to make my treat days very special and I don't want to just settle for any old thing to satisfy my hunger. I guess that is the fun part about writing your own program. You get to tweak it as you go. I really enjoy writing on this blog and I think it helps to encourage me on.

My husband also encourages me. Yesterday he was so proud when he was talking about me at work to his co-workers. I know today would have made him sad, but I also know that me keeping at it will make him proud all over again. I want to be a good example for my family. I am going to keep on going. I will not give up. I will accomplish my goals.

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